Wednesday, April 7, 2010

7th april

Today, we held a party for the kids cos it was our last day that we were gonna spend at the orphanage!

So we woke up as usual and had our breakfast as usual. Then off we went, with our close to ONE MILLION riels of groceries. :) we had almost 200 BOTTLES of coke, 10th kilo of chicken, spaghetti (tomato sauce and aglio olio), korean type sushi, chicken alphabet soup and lots of baked beans oh and there was tuna mayo and egg mayo too! Can you imagine all of these with goods plus TWENTY fully grown people in a bus that doesn't even have much walking space. Hahaha..

Can u guess what's the next worse thing that could happen to us.? Halfway thru the journey, the front tyre punctured. -.- lucky for us, it punctured just before we turned into the village road, while we were still on the main road. So we all got off the bus and then some hid under the shade, some went to the nearby local market, and some stayed by the driver to render whatever help they could possibly offer, and also to fan the driver. Our driver is a neat guy. This hair is always neatly combed and gelled up, he is always in a long sleeved collared shirt, always in long pants, and always in loafers. Nothing less. Even if he were u walk down orchard road, u'd never guess that he's a bus driver in cambodia. His dedication and seriousness to his job, no matter how simple it is, is something we all should learn from.

Then the bus was rolling! We finally reached safe and sound! at the orphanage, we had a forklift to help us unload the coke cartons from the bus. A human forklift. Haha :)

It wasn't long before the food team had to prepare the Yummy dishes for the Party later in the evening. They really had lots lots of food to prepare, example like 4 packets of garlic to chop! As the food team gets down to serious business, the others helped out in the entertaining portion. We did the friendship dance, which goes "As we .... walk to the left, as we walk to the right, as we ......" Yup yup! IC of this operation was Ming Yong, Germaine and Lovell. Others went in between the kids to mingle and teach them. It was a very awesome dance which everyone did. At the end, we had a Friendship marathon, we did all the moves on shot! It was tiring.

Next activity was Balloon wars! You know, the classic tie a balloon to your leg, protect it but DESTROY other's balloon. Few of us went off to prepare the Tang Yuan which later some of the kids will get a chance to help roll it into balls. Of course they have to wash their hands before we allow them to touch anything, so our washing team took over after the balloon game.

All's left was to PARTY the night out! With the music Booming, it certainly set the atmosphere for some partae! Coke bottles opened one after another, dishes of food gone by the minutes and people dancing all around the floor. It was plain fantastic!
We all ended with a few words by each of us to the kids and then we bidded farewell in a very touching way. Some cried but lets leave it anonymous
It was no surprise as it was our last day there. The kids sure did enjoy our company like how we enojyed theirs.
Boarded the bus, which drove through the quiet road that laid under the blanket of stars. We fell asleep...

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