Monday, April 5, 2010

5th April

As usual we had our Bread toast with cream cheese?soft boiled egg? Hard boiled egg? and scrambled egg? Anything that can be made with egg and goes well with bread u can find it in Bou savy Guesthouse. For those who is Maggie fan, they will have their noodle again!

As instructed by chiew nai we are supposed to leave the guesthouse at 7.30am. However, Jorina our 'livewire' who has a bubbly self unfortunately fell sick. Again, our guardian angel Clara stayed back in the guesthouse with her while the rest went to the orphanage.

Alot of us were not feeling well. Germaine was having a headache, Owen had bad tummyache, sarah was feeling slight giddy. With Clara accompanying Jorina at the guesthouse, we had only 1 first aider with us. Andy was really concern over all our well-being. Over at the orphanage, we had a slight change in plans for the lessons we were going to teach. Origami was on the list and Jay was chosen one to lead this operation. He was no doubt the best person to lead as he had lots of shapes and animals he was able to taught the kids. It was also avery good experience for alot of us who know nothing or very little about origami.

We left the place with the kids waving farewell to us. They always make us feel like we've changed their lives in that short period of interaction in the day with them.

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